11 September, 2023

Within the framework of its policy of social responsibility and community relations, Ocho Sur, a business group dedicated to the sustainable production of oil palm products and by-products in Ucayali, delivered its new religious temple to the hamlet of Los Ángeles de Zanja Seca.

In this way, the palm growing company fulfilled the desire of this population, located in the district of Nueva Requena, to have its new temple built of noble material, in an area of 200 square meters with its electricity, water and drainage services. .

The ceremony of handing over the premises was presided over by Pastor Wilson Salinas Ríos, who was accompanied by Pastors Johnny Flores, from Huancayo; Grover Echevarría, from Huánuco; Rister Rengifo and María Pizango, from Nueva Piura; and Orlando Prado, from the House of Prayer.

“We are happy because in this new temple in Los Angeles we will continue to pray and serve God, with the same devotion and love that characterizes us. Thank you Ocho Sur for your support of our village,” the religious leader of this town highlighted excitedly.

For his part, Ulises Saldaña, Community Relations manager of the business group, expressed that Ocho Sur, with the construction of this temple, seeks to strengthen family values in Los Angeles and reinforce the ties of friendship that they maintain as neighbors.

“The new Church is an example of what Faith in God can achieve in our hearts. “This work is an example of what can be done by working together, both the people and their authorities together, with private companies, for the benefit of the population,” he noted.

Finally, the Community Relations Manager of Ocho Sur stressed to the parishioners that “the Los Angeles Temple is now a reality and remains with you.”

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