31 January, 2024

Pucallpa.- Through a resolution, the judge of the Sixth Constitutional Court of the Court of Justice of Lima put an end to a new legal action without any basis, promoted by the NGOs Institute of Legal Defense (IDL) and the Institute of Environmental Forestry Studies Kené ( KENÉ).

These organizations, along with other allies, filed an amparo action against the palm oil company Ocho Sur de Ucayali, alleging that the company was causing damage to the environment, reiterating accusations previously dismissed in court.

In this case, the resolution of the Judiciary declared everything that had been done null and void and concluded the process, considering the defense arguments presented by Ocho Sur to be founded. (It should be noted that this decision is firmly supported by the provisions of the Constitutional Procedural Code).

“Once again, the legality with which our company operates and its respect for environmental and social sustainability have been confirmed through a solid judicial decision,” said Michael Spoor, general manager of the company dedicated to the sustainable production of products and derivatives of oil palm in Ucayali.

Likewise, he called on the plaintiff organizations to stop attacking Ocho Sur and to use their resources in actions that contribute to generating better life opportunities for the Ucayalina population, urging them to work together to reverse the massive deforestation that affects the region as a result of the terrible economic situation that afflicts thousands of Peruvians in the Amazon.

The senior manager of the palm oil company stressed that the plaintiffs’ claim was aimed at discrediting the company, accusing it of having violated the rights to enjoy a healthy environment, health and the free development of personality.

“Which, in addition to being false, does not recognize the good practices that we are implementing in favor of the sustainability of the Amazon and healthy coexistence with neighboring communities, especially with native communities, based on respect for their customs. and autonomous decisions,” emphasized Michael Spoor.

Likewise, he maintained that these repeated accusations by IDL and KENÉ are not new and at no time have they been supported by the judges, who have rejected them on multiple occasions, given their lack of foundation.

He specified that certain NGOs had created a “modus operandi”, abusing the judicial system to file unsubstantiated lawsuits against Ocho Sur with the sole purpose of damaging the image of the company, affecting its reputation and its relationship with its clients, only with the purpose of being able to attract millionaire resources from abroad, to continue with conflicts that they would manufacture and that would only economically benefit these same organizations.

Finally, Michael Spoor reaffirmed that Ocho Sur has allowed around two thousand workers to join the formal sector, through decent and well-paid jobs; and that, in the same way, with its social responsibility policy, thousands of Ucayalinos in very remote areas now have better health benefits, education, roads, drinking water and other services.


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