20 June, 2023

A very pleasant experience was expressed by 33 students from the National Agrarian University La Molina, from the city of Lima, who arrived in Pucallpa and completed an internship at Ocho Sur, a business group dedicated to the sustainable production of palm products and derivatives. oil plant in Ucayali.

The young university students, from the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th cycles of the Engineering in Business Management Career of the Faculty of Economics and Planning of that house of higher education, made the visit within the framework of their “XIV Study Mission” , seeking to identify opportunities for productive, economic, business and innovation development in the Ucayali region.

This was announced by the teacher Mg. Karina Yachi del Pino, head of the student delegation, who pointed out that the internship carried out at Ocho Sur was very gratifying, due to the breadth of the explanation provided to the students by the team of its professionals.

“I have been surprised by the development they have been doing with oil palm, which includes neighboring native communities in their plans; as well as the work they do in an integrated manner with the environment, with a clear awareness of caring for the forest,” she noted.

He added that, during the visit to the palm oil company, his students have learned about the manufacturing and conversion process of the fruit clusters of this oil plant, describing it as orderly, clean, transparent and sustainable, in addition to the high level of organization that has Eight South.

“We leave pleasantly pleased and we express our congratulations for the development they have been working on. “Very grateful for everything,” said teacher Yachi del Pino when saying goodbye to the business group dedicated to the production of oil palm in the Ucayali region.

The delegation of university students also had the opportunity to visit the INIA Agrarian Experimental Station in Pucallpa, the Cite Forestal, Olamsa, Bosques Amazónico, and the Colpa de Loros Cocoa Cooperative, among other companies, in addition to a Shipibo Konibo native community.

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