27 June, 2023

Starting this Saturday, July 1, the Copa Ocho Sur 2023 will be played again in Pucallpa, the popular intercommunity soccer championship for women and men that, in its second edition, will bring together 26 teams from 15 communities and hamlets in the districts of Nueva Requena and Curimaná.

This was announced at a press conference offered by Ocho Sur, a business group dedicated to the sustainable production of oil palm products and derivatives in Ucayali, which organizes this sporting event within the framework of its social responsibility and community relations policy.

Ulises Saldaña Bardales, Community Relations Manager of the palm grower and president of the Organizing Committee of the Copa Ocho Sur, pointed out that the main objective of the championship is to strengthen ties of friendship and unity between neighboring communities, with the healthy practice of the country’s popular sport such as it’s football.

Likewise, he announced that the popular and charismatic sports host Sergio “Checho” Ibarra, a prominent former soccer player and technical director of teams in our country, is joining this sports festival, considered the all-time top scorer in the first division of Peruvian soccer.


Saldaña Bardales explained that they are participating in this second edition of the Ocho Sur Cup, among communities, hamlets and population centers: Shambo Porvenir, Tres Islas, Nueva Esperanza, Los Ángeles, Unión Progreso, La Perla de Sanja Seca, Naranjal, Bajo Rayal, Caribe , San Juan de Tahuapoa, Santa Clara de Uchunya, Nuevo Edén, San Pablo de Juantía, Roca Fuerte and Kokama.

The press meeting was attended by the president of the IPD of Ucayali, Marco Prieto, and the regional coordinator of Gore Ucayali Youth, Ninet Marcelonio; as well as the delegates of the 15 communities representing the 26 teams of Nueva Requena and Curimaná, who participate in this sports festival.

“In the opening ceremony that will take place at the Nueva Requena Stadium, a colorful parade of the 11 women’s teams and 15 men’s teams will take place, as well as three official matches that will begin this exciting soccer tournament that unites the towns of Ucayali,” said the senior official of the palm oil group.

Finally, Saldaña Bardales announced that the Ocho Sur business group will deliver more than 70 thousand soles to the winning teams of this interesting intercommunity soccer tournament.

Pucallpa, June 27, 2023

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