2 August, 2022

Within the framework of the celebration of its 94th anniversary of founding, the National Association of Journalists (ANP) distinguished Grupo Ocho Sur with a Certificate of Recognition, for its policy of social responsibility that it practices in favor of various communities in the districts of Nueva Requena and Curimaná.

The event took place during the Workshop “Investigative Journalism, Journalism and Ethics”, given by journalist Ángel Páez Salcedo, head of the investigative unit of the newspaper La República, which was organized by the ANP of Ucayali with a large attendance. of men and women of the press in the region.

The distinction to Grupo Ocho Sur was received by its community relations manager, Ulises Saldaña Bardales, from the president of the ANP of Ucayali, Walter Reátegui Murrieta, who highlighted the business work carried out by the palm grower in the region, with the highest social responsibility standards.

“We have been silently investigating the good social work that Ocho Sur carries out in the communities of the districts of Nueva Requena and Curimaná, so today, as an institution of journalists, we are doing justice by recognizing this company that cares about the well-being of its neighbors,” said Reátegui Murrieta.

For his part, Saldaña Bardales expressed the greeting of the general manager of Ocho Sur, Michael Spoor, and congratulations to the ANP on its 94th anniversary of founding; as well as gratitude for the Certificate of Recognition granted to the business group, for its social responsibility policy that benefits more than 10 thousand people from its 23 neighboring communities and hamlets.

“Since 2016, when we began our activities in Ucayali, our goal is to be a role model of sustainable practices in the development of oil palm, which respects and cares for the biodiversity of the Amazon forest and generates inclusive growth for communities,” remarked the Ocho Sur official.

The workshop on journalistic investigation, offered by the well-known journalist Ángel Páez Salcedo, was held at the Hotel Costa del Sol and was attended by the regional deputy governor Jessica Navas Sánchez.


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