Grievance Cases

Maintaining detailed grievances ensures transparency and accountability

No.CompanyAllegation/ComplaintInterested Parties/StakeholdersDate ReportLast UpdateReport/ResponseStatusType
1Ocho Sur POcho Sur against the ropes for operating ilegally without permits.

FPP: View
FPP, IDL, FECONAU and related news media outlets.9-May-24
17-May-24Response: View

Prior response: View
2Ocho Sur PDeforestation "Ocho Sur's links with the palm oil supplier to the multinational PepsiCo".

Ojo Público: View

TBIJ: View
Ojo Público, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) and Mongabay.18-Abr-2427-Abr-24Ojo Público response : View

TBIJ response: View
3Ocho Sur P, Ocho Sur UDeforestation Report "Carving the Amazon"

EIA: View

Reuters: View
NGO Environmental International Agency (EIA)7-Feb-248-Feb-24Response: ViewAnsweredCompliance
4Ocho Sur P, Peruvian Palm HoldingsUnited Nations Special Procedures on Human Rights abuses AL OTH 56/2023 and AL OTH 123/2023

United Nations, IDL, FPP, a few members of Santa Clara de Uchunya Native Community26-Oct-233-Abr-24Ocho Sur Response: View

Santa Clara de Uchunya Response : View
5Ocho SurRejection to US Ambassador Lisa Kena statements about Ocho Sur

FPP: View

EIA: View
AIDESEP, IDL, ORAU, FPP, EIA, FECONAU, KENE and other NGO4-Abr-235-Abr-23Spanish: View

English: View
6Ocho Sur PEnvironmental lawsuit against Ocho Sur

IDL: View
IDL, KENE and FECONAU23-Mar-2322-May-24Report: View

Press Release: View
In processDispute
7Ocho Sur PAIDESEP allegations against Ocho Sur in public letter

AIDESEP.7-Jul-221-Nov-22Response: ViewAnsweredCompliance
8Ocho Sur PCriminal complaint for land usurpation and environmental damageIDL, a few member of Native Community Santa Clara de Uchunya and District Attorney.17-Dic-201-Oct-22Report: View

Santa Clara de Uchunya response: View
In processDispute
9Ocho Sur PCriminal complaint for criminal organizacion for deforestationWashigton Bolivar, a few members of native community Santa Clara de Uchunya, IDL, and District Attorney.29-May-151-Set-22Report: ViewIn processDispute
10Ocho Sur PConstitutional lawsuit against Regional Government for ilegal land titling of supposed native community landIDL, Joel Nunta and a few members of Native Community Santa Clara de Uchunya26-May-1622-Ene-22Report: View

Ruling: View

Government response: View